Why Set TOR Exit Node
If you use TOR and you want your browser Geolocation changed you can set TOR Exit Node to specific Country or Server instead of using the default settings. Using Specific Exit Node can slow down your speed and compromise your privacy, since all your traffic is going always through restricted list of nodes.
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Editing “torrc” settings file
Full path to the file that needs to be changed:
..\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Tor\torrc
You can edit it with regular notepad.
By default, it should be empty.
Set TOR Exit Node to Specific Country
Add the next line in the “torrc” file:
ExitNodes {Country Code} StrictNodes 1
“StrictNodes 1” – Means TOR will use only this country exit nodes.
Note: If there are several Exit Nodes in that country, TOR will connect you to the fastest available.
For example, if you want to set TOR Exit Node to Australia:
ExitNodes {au} StrictNodes 1
If you want to set several countries (Australia + Canada):
ExitNodes {au} StrictNodes 1 ExitNodes {ca} StrictNodes 1
If no nodes are available for that country – TOR will not connect. In this case, you can set “StrictNodes 0”. “0” means TOR will try to connect to the Exit Node, but if it is not available, it will connect to the Exit Node in default settings.
TOR is using ISO Standard country codes. Full list on Wikipedia ISO Standard Country Codes.
HackerTarget TOR Exit Node Visualization – shows you visualized map of the TOR Exit nodes worldwide.
Check “torrc” File Settings Application
To check if TOR is indeed using the exit node that you selected navigate in TOR to TOR Project Browser Check.
This should show you the IP of the Exit Node that is currently used and that it is indeed working.
Click on “Relay Search” this should navigate you to a link like that:
“” is an example. It should be the IP of your Exit Node.
On the node details page you will see: Advertised Bandwidth, Host Name, Country, Uptime, AS Name / Number, Exit Policies, Platform, History, etc.
A simpler method would be using any Online Service that shows you your IP address and Geolocation – Google “What Is My IP”. Try using several services to see that they are showing the same. Save one of them for future uses, so you will not search them again.
Connect to Specific TOR Exit Node from Specific Country
To check for all the available Exit Nodes in a specific country, you can use the link similar to the one from above on “metrics.torproject.org”, using this country’s ISO code. Example for Australia:
The results will filter by “Advertised Bandwidth”, but you can click on any column header to filter it by other variables. You can change the country in the search field if you need.
To set the specific TOR Exit Node – edit the “torrc” file:
“” is IP example – use IP address of the actual Exit Node.
Note: No need for “StrictNodes 1” here.
A problem with specific Exit Nodes: If it does not allow traffic on port 80 or 443 – you will not be able to browse the web.
how do i set restrict the bandwidth of ExitNodes in torrc?
Sorry, not aware of this.
This stopped working for me several versions ago. It appears that the Tor Browser ignores the ExitNodes directives in the torrc file. How can I troubleshoot?
yeah now work anymore not at all, from like month
Link to what the country codes are would be nice . we have ca and au so we can guess