Comprehensive Guides for Cyber Security and IT Admins
We share knowledge about Information / Cyber Security, Infrastructure (IT) and Scriptology / Coding – Based on our experience.
Check out latest posts in Security, Coding, Deployment and Network.
All the information that you will find here is based on our “trial and error” and staff working experience hands on in the fields of IT and Information / Cyber Security. Sometimes it is hard to find the information you need in the forums or in other sources. Mostly the information is fragmented and you need to waste your time to find all the bits, attach them together and test the solutions. We at Optimization Core are trying to do our best to deliver you the information on all the topics that will include all the steps from the basics till the final result including detailed explanations, so anyone could understand. In addition, you will find full detailed examples for any topic that is covered, which are usually hard to find.
We, at Optimization Core, also believe in free and open source solutions, so you may want to check out our Free Third-Party Solutions. Sometimes you need certain tools to get a job done and you need it fast. Researching and testing many tools, especially paying for them, can consume time and money. We also test these tools and integrate them into professional environment including easy guides on how to do it.
We hope that all the information gathered on www.optimizationcore.com will help you in your daily tasks as it helped us and our research and experience will help other professionals struggling there in time optimization on different tasks.